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Our Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

Innovation Software believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for our success as a global company. We recognise and celebrate the value of each individual’s unique contributions and perspectives, and we strive to create a culture of “belonging”—where everyone can thrive.

We are committed to overseeing the following:

  • Providing equal opportunities for all our employees, regardless of their age, disability, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.

  • Promoting a respectful and supportive work environment that is free from any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or victimization.

  • Encouraging and supporting the professional development and career advancement of our diverse talent pool.

  • Engaging with our customers, suppliers, partners, and communities in a way that reflects our values and respects their diversity.

  • Measuring and reporting on our progress and performance on DEI matters and holding ourselves accountable for continuous improvement.


We expect all our employees, managers, leaders, and stakeholders to uphold this policy and contribute to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone can be themselves and perform at their best.

Our Trade Sanctions Statement

We are committed to overseeing the following:

Innovation Software Limited a Company registered in England and Wales and having the registered number 1670041 and whose registered office address is Innovation Centre Unit 26 Maidstone Road Chatham Kent ME5 9FD hereby certify that we are aware of and comply with the trade sanctions imposed by the UK Government and other relevant authorities on the trade of goods, technology and services with certain countries, entities or individuals.

  • We confirm that we do not engage in any activity that violates or circumvents these trade sanctions, directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly.

  • We further confirm that we have conducted due diligence on our customers, suppliers, partners and intermediaries to ensure that they are not subject to any trade sanctions or involved in any prohibited or restricted transactions.

  • We understand that failure to comply with these trade sanctions may result in criminal penalties, civil fines, loss of export privileges, reputational damage and other adverse consequences.

  • We declare that the information provided in this statement is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Our Anti-bribery and Corruption Statement

We are committed to overseeing the following:

  • The prevention of bribery by those employed and associated with it and is committed to carrying out business fairly, honestly and openly, with zero-tolerance towards bribery.

  • The Company expressly prohibits employees from offering, promising, giving, or requesting, agreeing to receive or receiving any financial or other advantage to another person or business with the intention of gaining an improper financial or other advantage.

  • All employees have a responsibility to prevent, detect and report all instances of bribery.

  • All staff are asked not to accept if offered any gift or hospitality, without first approval from

    the company.

  • All staff are told never to offer a gift or hospitality to a customer, supplier or other person

    with the intention of gaining a business advantage. Any business gifts or invitations to

    hospitality events that are issued must always be agreed in advance.

  • Acts of bribery and/or corruption will always be taken seriously and come with severe

    consequences for both our staff and us as a company. Our staff are informed of their duty to disclose any concerns about bribery (or any other unlawful activity) whether in relation to themselves, other staff members, contractors or suppliers. They must report concerns in confidence, to the Company as soon as practicable.

  • If a member of staff is found to have accepted or given any bribe, it may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. This may also lead to criminal investigation and potential prison sentence and fine for those found guilty of bribery in addition to potential fines for the Company.

Our Modern-day Slavery Statement

We are committed to overseeing the following:

​Modern Slavery is a crime and violation of Human Rights. Innovation Software is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or any of our supply chains. Innovation Software is committed to playing any role it can in its operations to tackling Modern Slavery. The following outlines Innovation Software’s policy in relation to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (UK) and it applies to all Innovation Software operations and locations.​

Policy Principles

Innovation Software is a leading provider of intelligent Collections Management Systems and Business Intelligence tools; offering trusted technology-led solutions to global enterprises. In compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (UK) 2015, Innovation Software offers the following statement internally and externally on our website regarding our efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in how we conduct our business and in our supply chain.

Our Supply Chain Due Diligence and Monitoring Process

Innovation Software is committed to social and environmental responsibility and has zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking. We hold ourselves and our supply chain accountable and we fully comply with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, as it applies to our industry.

We recognise that modern slavery is a complex supply chain issue, and we work in partnership with our clients, suppliers and other organisations to help develop long term solutions to this issue. Therefore, our suppliers/partners must also have equivalent policies regarding the prevention of human trafficking and slavery within their own organsiation and supply chain for us to partner with them. We monitor and assess all potential suppliers on this basis.

Working Practices & Procedures

Innovation Software wants to ensure that the principles of this policy are then reflected in our practical day to day operations to ensure that we are doing all we can. Below are some of Innovation Software’s working practices/procedures to demonstrate that we have taken account of internationally recognised labour and engagement standards in how we operate ourselves and in how our suppliers are evaluated when we choose to engage with them:

  1. Prevention of forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour:
    Employees who are in any doubt about whether a particular act or working conditions in any of our business relationships may contravene any aspect of this policy then err on the side of caution and report it in accordance with the whistleblowing policy, or contact Caroline Lyons:

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Whilst Innovation Software is not currently a unionised environment, it has a professional HR team in place who manage any and all changes to employee terms and conditions through a structured process. Prevention of discrimination Innovation Software has a Diversity & Inclusion committee with representatives from across the business, sponsored by the CEO. Their role is to create an inclusive environment for all. Innovation Software has a number of Policies which employees are required to adhere to, which combined reinforce a culture of Trust and Empowerment where any possibility of Modern Slavery existing should be surfaced:

  • Equality & Diversity Policy – designed to ensure fairness and transparency during the recruitment, promotion and in day-to-day working practices

  • Prevention of Harassment & Bullying Policy – to protect our employees and to treat any examples of this occurring with the seriousness it deserves

  • Whistleblowing Policy – which enables any employee with any serious concerns (including any related to Modern Slavery in the supply chain) without fear of reprisal or repercussion.



All of these are published in our Employee Handbook to reference and to comply with.

Raising Concerns

If you have any questions about this statement or any concerns about slavery or human trafficking with Innovation Software’s organisation or supply chain, please contact Caroline Lyons:

Our Environmental Commitment Statement

Our organisation is committed to reducing our impact on the environment and supporting global sustainability goals. We recognize our responsibility to protect the planet and contribute to a better future for all.

Some of the actions we are taking to achieve this are:

  • We are a paperless office as far as possible.

  • Our staff work from home as much as possible avoiding the necessity to travel to and from

  • work.

  • Our projects are run remotely, avoiding the necessity to travel to client sites.

  • We implement waste reduction and recycling initiatives in our office and events and seek to

  • minimize the use of single-use plastics.

  • We collaborate with our suppliers, customers and partners to promote environmental best

  • practices and innovation throughout our value chain.

  • We support verified carbon-reduction projects that benefit local communities and

  • biodiversity.

  • Our head office utilises solar lighting on highways and is continuously working towards the

  • aim of being a carbon neutral building.

We are proud of our environmental achievements so far, but we know there is more work to be done. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our performance and make a positive difference in the world.


Russell Lyons
Innovation Software

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+44 1634 812 300

Innovation Centre, F26 Maidstone Road,
Chatham, Kent, ME5 9FD

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